Saturday, November 27, 2010

Settlers of Catan and the Monopoly Card

I know that I have not post to much about board games so far, so here is one.

Settlers of Catan is one of my all time favorite games, for those of you who have never played it. The game board is made of many parts which get put together different every time so its never the same game. You build roads and buildings then collect resources and in doing so get points. The first one to ten wins. I have played this game well over 100 times and I still enjoy it.

On to the tip about using the monopoly card. In the game you can buy cards which give you bonus. One of these cards is the monopoly card. This card lets you take all of one type of resource from every player. The question is how do you know what resources the other players have. The tip is to ask for a trade first. So ask the other players " Does anyone want to trade for wood"? If they all say yes, then its the right time to use it. If not save it or ask about another resource. Warning: some people may find this tip to be under handed. I learned it from a friend of mine who pull it out on me and his then girlfriend, now wife, and she got very mad. In fact, she brought it up just this past week. So use it as you will.

So Say We All

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