Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The 4.W.O.W. What the Flip Happened Patch

Yesterday millions of gamers waited for 17 hours while Blizzard applied patch 4.0.1, the last patch before the release of the expansion. After watching trade chat for about 10 minutes, I think the overwhelming response to the patch is; what the flip just happened.  From hunters QQing about focus, to ret pallies complaining about becoming DKs, to resto shams saying they have been nerfed...  and the list continues.  So did blizzard just destroy the game?  In my opinion... No.

So as this is WOW Wednesday, and it is a day after the patch hit the normal servers, I figured nothing could be a more popular topic than 4.0.1.  Like I said earlier I watched trade chat, and asked a few friends what the thought of the new changes.  Most of the feedback about class changes where negative.  The new graphics, menus, character screen and guild system were all shadowed by players completely focused on class changes.

As for myself, I decided to let Blizzard surprise me.  I didn't log into the PTR to test anything nor did I read up on the spec changes.  However, I did know about the gem changes, the raid lock outs, and the healing changes or all the other stuff.  To be honest, when I logged, I was surprised, but I still cant understand all the rage in trade chat.

I play a DW frost dk tank (used to... it changed), Arm Pen MM hunter, rest druid, and resto/enhance sham.  So I really got a healthy dose of class changes.  Though it was weird tanking in blood, or healing without tree form (and having 33k mana), or figuring out healing surge and regemming and relearning how my hunter works, I like it.

So back to my first question did blizzard destroy the game? No they didn't.  The just completely changed it... and there is a difference.  Lets take a history tour.  Back to Vanilla days...  with the issues blizzard had back then, for example priests were the only viable healing class, yet 6 million players played it.  Then BC comes out.  Yay, other classes can heal, but ret pallies are now useless, except for buffing.  More complains and more players.  Then good old Wrath of the Lich King...  I'm going to skip to patch 3.3 and dungeon finder.  Complaints about gear is easy to farm, everyone will do crazy dps, why did the levels you get mounts change...  Yet still more players join the game.

So following the trend, blizzard should experience I large increase of players...

On the serious side, yes, there have been tons of changes, and there will be a ton more after Cata come out.  Maybe you wont have a faceroll rotation anymore (trust me I know), maybe you have to work harder to tank, maybe you have to think more about your mana when you heal...  Either way I think that blizzard bought in some much needed changes and they have made the game interesting. As now the is room for people to learn something no one else knew before.

 So, to end off by quoting something I came across while playing WOW...  "less QQ, more Pew Pew"

Stay cool

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