Sunday, October 3, 2010

Value Village a Geek Goldmine

So yesterday I was at Value Village, I try to get there a few times a month. I use to go there just to look at books, since I a big bibliophile. Then I found a few cool board games. I decide one day to see if there was any sweet t-shirts. I have found a few since over my time there. Yesterday, I found this shirt for $2.50 and it was pretty much brand new. I also found a  JRR Tolkien and Lord of the Rings quiz book for 3 bucks.

Not only is Value Village good for games, t-shirts and books, but it can be a great place to find super cheap comic books. I'm a Thor collector and I have found Thor comics that would go for 5 bucks for only 25 cents and they were in  good shape. People give stuff to Value Village and do not know what it is worth and Value Village it's self does not always know themselves. The Value Village I went to also had a lot of Spider-Man, Flash and others comics. You can also find some cool toys sometimes as well.

Over all it can be a geek goldmine. So next time you see a Value Village just stop by you never know what you will found.

So Say We All

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