Wednesday, October 13, 2010

WOW Wednesday- Pre- Cataclysm Patch and Paladin Spec

So if you have been on WOW in the last 24 hours or so you will have to download a big  Pre-Cataclysm patch. This patch is over 4GB and changes a lot of the basics of each class. I know that hunters changed a lot.

Here I'm going to show you the re-spec I did for my Level 50 Paladin. Paladin's now have holy power as well, which is needed to use some skills

For my Paladin I when for Protection and I'm using him as a tank.

I put a full three points in:

Two full points in:
Seals of Pure
Eternal Glory
Judgement of the Just
Hallowed Ground- which increase the power of your Consecration ( which now has a 30 sec cool down)

One point in:
Hammer of Righteous
Wrath of Lightbringer

So far I like this new spec, but it is a little hard to hold treat. Beside Consecration you need to use some of the new attack skills to keep it.

So Say We All

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