Monday, December 6, 2010

The Complete Metropolis

So on the weekend I had a few friends, including a few of the people from the blog, and we watch The Complete Metropolis on Blu-ray. This complete version has 25 new minutes of footage and let me tell you, it made a big difference. The plot of the film was so much clearer than the old one I had. A few key scenes had been missing and with them it not only makes more scene, but its a better film. There is only one key scene which is missing and even a little bit of it is still there. This is the scene when Fredersen frees Maria from Rotwang. These new scenes also help to bring back characters like Hel and The Thin man which had been all but cut out. Thus...

If you have never seen the film I would highly recommend it. Its not only for fans of sci-fi, but for people interested in 20th history, black-white films, silent films and film history in general since it has had a great impact on many other great films.

The new 25 minutes was found in Buenos Aires at the Museo del Cine. A private collector had given it to them and he had got it from a man who had seen the 1927 full release in Berlin and had wanted to show it in South America. Some of this 25 minutes of footage is in ok shape and some of it in not to great. Even with our restoration abilities only so much of it can be fix, some of it is just part of the film now and ultimately part of the wonderfully history of this movie.

Which is nicely lade out in the special features. There are three special features. One, is the 2010 trailer for this film. Two, is an interview with the person who works at Museo del Cine that found the film. This is pretty good and interesting. Three, and the best one is a 50 minute film on Metropolis which goes into the history of the film and some background on Lang and his influences. This short film is simple, but well done and features interviews with Lang himself as well as photos from behind the scenes of the film. 

The packaginh of this Blu-ray includes a four page booklet on the film with some more interesting information.Plus, the case come with a cover and 1 Blu-ray disc.

I would say this is a must buy for everyone. 

Movie: 9/10
Special Features: 7/10 
Packaging: 9/10 

Overall: 9/10

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