Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Level 85... Achievement Unlocked

So yes, Cataclysm has been out for 22 days, and yes I know I way late to the level 85 party, but I dont care...  After quest grinding for about 20 hours, the last mob felt a kill shot crit and died, granting me my last 5k exp. ding!

I would have loved to get into Cataclysm a lot sooner, but due to university finals and just loads of work, it had to wait.  So I know this is a late review on the game, but I really think its worth the wait.

My main goal when I logged in, after being away for two months, was to get to 85 asap.  So I didn't bother with my professions, gear or anything.  I planned to go straight to the quest grinding.  Soon after starting the grind I found myself actually enjoying the way the quests were laid out.  It had more of a story line feel, and less of a "do a bunch of random things for exp" type feel.  And the cinematics were an awesome touch.  However, I did say focused, I needed levels.  So as soon as I leveled, I went to the next area, leaving the epic story line half done.  However, by the time I got to Uldum, the story line got the better of me.  I found myself ignoring the fact that I had leveled to 84 (and could have gone to Twilight Highlands) and sayed in Uldum to finished the entire quest line.  its was totally worth it.  And just a random note... yay! for better drop rates on quest items :)

At a certain point while I was leveling I felt like seeing the new dungeons.   After figuring out that you actually have to find the entrance to the place before can use Dungeon Finder, and after waiting 30 minutes as a dps to get in... I found, again, it was totally worth the wait.  And again I let curiosity get better of me, and spent about an hour finding all the other dungeons, and then numerous hours doing them. 

There is no doubt that Cataclysm bought about tons of changes to the game.  But lets think about it, WoW has been around for a really really long time (as far as MMO's go).  And some players have been playing since the days of vanilla.  So, yes, changes do mean you have new things to get use to, and yes, you might have to learn everything again, but that's really half the fun.

Overall I do think WoW was due for an over haul, and I honestly think blizzard did a great job.

Graphics: 8/10
Game Play: 9/10
Quests : 10/10
Dungeons: 9/10

Overall : Get the Game!

Stay Cool,

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