Friday, December 17, 2010

Tron Legacy Review

I just got back from watching Tron Legacy a few hours ago, and I must say, it was rather good. I can't really say if it was better or worse than what I was expecting, there was so much hype for this movie, it was ridiculous. I try not to get caught up in movie hype though, so I guess I would have to say it exceeded my expectations, just a bit, only because it had more to the story than I had thought there would be.

Alright, I'm gonna break up this review into separate parts, (plot, visuals, etc.), so here we go. Oh, and don't worry, no spoilers.

Plot/Story - 8/10
   When I say plot and story, I'm not just judging for it's ability to tell a good story, but also it's relation and connection to the first Tron, which it did very well, and not just with little side references that only true Tron fans would be able to pick out (although they did have those, so bonus!). They actually gave good reason for going back to the grid. I can't really go too much into this without spoiling anything, so let me just say that it doesn't disappoint.

Characters - 7/10
   No complaints here, they had a good combo of new and old characters. The old ones were done well by their respected actors, and as were the new ones. Jeff Bridges did a good job keeping the same Flynn attitude and personality from the first Tron, while also toning it down a bit; with the movie taking place 27 years later (I think?), Flynn would have aged, so this is understandable. One character that stood out (in a good way) was Castor, played by Michael Sheen. he was this fun eccentric character that resembles David Bowie. He was not in the movie a whole lot, but he was entertaining.

Visuals - 8/10
   The visuals for this movie were amazing. And not just the special effects, those were a given, you go into the movie expecting good effects. The imagery was very good as well. Some shots, combined with perfectly timed music and sound effects, just drew you into the movie. As for the effects side, I was pleased, they held up to what I was expecting. Lots of cool light vehicles, and light effects and such. Something that was really neat was what they did for the character Clu. Basically he is a program copy of Kevin Flynn... young Kevin Flynn, so they had to do some movie magic to do this. They actually had to use cgi to make a young Jeff Bridges face, which worked... more or less. Sometimes it looked like a real face, but at other times, you could tell it was cgi, but overall it was good.  If I had to nit-pick about something though, it would be the part when Sam is pulled into the computer, it just feels like they skimped out in this area. The original Tron did the whole computer, grid scan thing, and it looked pretty cool, so I was really excited to see how they would do it, but it just kinda distorted the screen and flashed, then he was in. Oh well, the rest of the movie had amazing effects.

Music - 9/10
   What can I say about the music besides AWESOME! I am a huge Tron fan (in case you couldn't tell), and I am also a huge Daft Punk fan, so I couldn't have been happier having the two combined. I think Daft Punk was the perfect choice, and did a spectacular job. I've been listening to the soundtrack almost nonstop since it came out. As I said earlier, the music just fits. It is all very electronic and, well, computer'y. If your not a huge electronic or techno fan, then maybe it won't be your favorite, but I love it. I also enjoyed seeing Daft Punk making a cameo appearance in the movie, that was a plus. I will be getting the actual collectors edition soundtrack for Christmas, so I will talk about that another day. 

Overall, I give this movie a 8/10. I highly recommend it.

End Of Line

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